Adams and Brown Counties Safety Council

FW Kibler Milling Company Inc.

Adams County/Ohio Valley School District

Adams County Regional Medical Center

Manchester Local Schools

Bowling Insurance Group

Gemini I Enterprises, LLC

10 Step Safety Plan

10-Step Business Plan for Safety(explanation)

With BWC\'s 10-Step Business Plan for Safety employers can focus on implementing a more effective safety plan one step at a time as opposed to getting lost in the "where to start" phase of the big picture.  While some of the BWC programs require employers to complete the 10-Step Business Plan for Safety, it can also be a good resource for companies looking to implement a new safety program or simply improve an old one.  Please watch our monthly newsletters/website each month, as we will be highlighting each step. 



Step #1   

Step #6

Step #2    

Step #7

Step #3 

Step #8

Step #4 

Step #9

Step #5 

Step #10